A certain reaction has the following general form.
aA bB
At a particular temperature and [A]0 = 2.00 10-2 M, concentration versus time data were collected for this reaction, and a plot of ln[A] versus time resulted in a straight line with a slope value of -2.97 10-2 min-1.
(a) Determine the rate law, the integrated rate law, and the value of the rate constant for this reaction.
rate law
a. k[A]
b. k[A]2
c. k[A]3
d. k[B]
(b) integrated rate law
a. ln[A] = -kt - ln[A]0
b. ln[A] = -kt + ln(1/[A]0)
c. ln[A] = -kt + ln[A]0
d. ln[A] = kt - ln[A]0
(c) rate constant in min-1
(d) Calculate the half-life for this reaction in min
(e) How much time is required for the concentration of A to decrease to 2.00 10-3 M?
in min
Does any one know how to answer the following rate question?
ln[A] is proportional to t: So you can relate [A] and t as:
ln[A] = k璺痶 + m
[A] = e^(k璺痶 + m)
(where k and m are arbitrary constants:
The rate law describes
-r = d[A]/dt
To find just take the derivative of equation above:
-r = d/dt{e^(k璺痶 + m)}
= k璺痚^(k璺痶 + m)
= k璺痆A]
answer a. is the correct one
d[A]/dt = -k璺痆A]
separate variables and integrate
1/[A] d[A] = - k dt
閳?1/[A] d[A] = - 閳?k dt
ln[A] = - k璺痶 + c
apply initial condition to find constant c
Apply initial condition
t = 0 閳?[A]=[A]閳р偓
ln[A]閳р偓 = - k璺? + c
c = ln[A]閳р偓
ln[A] = - k璺痶 + ln[A]閳р偓
answer c. is correct
From the equation derived in(b) you see that the slope of the line representing ln[A] vs t is equal to - k. Hence:
k = 2.97鑴?0^-2min-1
Half life is the time elapsed till [A] has dropped to one half of its initial value:
ln( [A]閳р偓/2) = - k璺痶1/2 + ln[A]閳р偓
t1/2 = ( ln[A]閳р偓 - ln( [A]閳р偓/2) ) / k
= ln{ [A]閳р偓/ ([A]閳р偓/2) } / k
= ln{2) / k
= ln{2) / 2.97鑴?0^-2min-1
= 23.34min
ln[A] = - k璺痶 + ln[A]閳р偓
k璺痶 = ln[A]閳р偓 - ln[A] k
t = ln( [A]閳р偓/ [A] ) / k
= ln( 2.0鑴?0^-2M/ 2.0鑴?0^-3M ) / 2.97鑴?0^-2min-1
= 77.53min
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