
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

Thanks to my friend pecker wabbit and his insightful remarks he has brought me to a very sad statictic.

It apperars that canadinas have one of the highest suicide rates in the world in all age groups. It is much higher than the American suicide rate.

So my question is what is soooooooo bad about canada to cause this alarming stat to rise every year?

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

Canada%26#039;s suicide rate is only slightly higher than the USA%26#039;s and the catagories of who are the highest suicide victims are almost identical in both countries. Study your own stats and you will see the same results as ours. I would also like to point out that in some years when the suicides stats were compiled that only seven states were included in those stats. In 2003 ,your stats showed 3,603 suicides with 7 states being included in the study, however when 6 more states were added to those 7 in 2004 your stats jumped to 7,379 suicides for the year.( and you have how many more states than that ) If you researched your information before you spoke you would find that Canada is far from having the highest suicide rate in the world.

Check out this website. . Do you see Canada on the list? Why are we committing suicide you ask at such an alarming (lol) rate you ask?.

If you study the stats in the following website you will find that Canada does not experience any horrible lifestyle or bad living conditions that would contribute to suicides any more than the USA . I know you don%26#039;t like to spend time doing your research so I%26#039;ll break a bit of it down for you to save you some time. Maybe a comparison of the two countries will make you realize how unfounded and misguided your source of information is. Because some of the main reasons for suicide is depression, fears , terminal illnesses, and the feeling of hopelessness brought on by unbearable living conditions and quality of life, lets examine some of those issues.

Canada ranks 3rd in the world for quality of life whereas USA is 6th so it can%26#039;t be because life just sucks here. Canada is 3rd for cleanliness in the world, the USA is 11th. Canada Has a life expectancy of 79.96 years, USA 77.43 years so it%26#039;s not because we fear an early death from other things. Calgary is rated as the cleanest city in the world with Ottawa ranking 4th, ( Not bad when you consider we only have about 12 major cities in the whole country.) and Vancouver is ranked third best city in the world for quality of life, whereas the the only US city that made the cut for cleanliness was Honolulu in 2nd place so it can%26#039;t be that we are forced to live in filth and dispair. In 2003 only .03 percent of Canadians had aides (56,000 with 1,500 deaths), the USA had .06 percent (950,000 with 14,000 deaths.) so it can%26#039;t be because we fear dying of aides. Canada ranks 9th in the world for highest life expectency, US is not on the top 20 list so it can%26#039;t be that we fear dying at a young age any ways. Canada is the one of the cheapest countries to live in of the developed nations, the US is the 13th most expensive so it can%26#039;t be that we can%26#039;t afford to pay our bills or eat. Incidently Canada ranks as the 2nd cheapest country to visit ( just to clear up your on going remarks about how expensive it is to visit here.) I would think by those stats that it should be obvious that we are not suffering in any way that would contribute to the suicide rate any more than the USA. It would appear that your country is struggling to find answers to the rise in suicides just as ours is. Our country has actually experienced a drop in gun related suicides since the gun legislation was passed. I know it can%26#039;t be because of fear of violence or being killed, because the USA holds #1 spot out of the 27 highest industrial and highest income countries in the world for murders. No Zwigger I%26#039;m sorry to disappoint you but life is pretty good in Canada and we don%26#039;t have any more suicide related problems than your country does and we aren%26#039;t all standing in line to blow our brains out. Your country on the other hand IS experiencing an increase in suicides.



Note: This was not meant as a insult to Americans but rather to educate Zwigger about our country. Four of my siblings are American.

Edit: Your stats are from late 1990%26#039;s..a little out of date and you only supplied stats for one age group. When you add the stats for ALL age groups per capita there is only a difference of .9 % between the two countries. ( less than 1 % )

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

Would you want to live in Canada?

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

Simply because Canada kinda sux...........

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

It may be the result of our having higher buildings to jump from, that no one has knocked down? Just a guess. I fail to see the relevency of asking this in Canada travel section, unless you are worried about being hit by falling people, which can occur anywhere.

Edit: Good answer to a question that was posted in the wrong area, Peta. I%26#039;d thought about the Aboriginal issue, but discounted it due to population, but it would add to the total per capita.

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

actually wigger,

the higher suicide rate (although not much higher than the US national average) can be attributed to two things: a higher aboriginal population and the longer winters and shorter days of the high north.. both factors having been studied thouroughly, with northern aboriginals statistically having a much higher suicide rate that the rest of the nation.

Interestingly, this trend can also be seen in the USA%26#039;s only north-of-60 state with a high aboriginal population..Alaska, where the suicide rate is double the national US average.

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

The statistics that I read show that only 1.3 people per 100,000 more in Canada commit suicide than in the US. Not much difference, and there are 3 countries where the suicide rate is higher than either Canada or US. I have lived in both countries and the %26quot;causes%26quot; of suicide are so similar that the importance of the statistics should not be generalized or exaggerated!

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

cuz canada is not really the best place to be happy.

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

Maybe there%26#039;s a rumour going around that you%26#039;re coming for a visit...??

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

Maybe these people prefer to kill themselves than listen to you? Or they%26#039;re scared americans will attack them in their sleep on false acounts of terrorism?

Just food for thought.

Why is canadas suicide rate so alarmingly high?

As usual, you don%26#039;t know what you are talking about.

One can only wonder what happened to make you so phobic about Canada that you have to slam it every chance you get, even when you have to make up statistics to do so.

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